Axir Wallet Roadmap 2023: A Year of Foundation and Growth 

Axir Wallet's 2023 roadmap

Axir Wallet Roadmap 2023: A Year of Foundation and Growth

As we reflect on the achievements of 2023, Axir Wallet Roadmap stands poised on the cusp of a groundbreaking era in crypto management. Let’s revisit the key milestones that set the stage for our grand public launch:

Q1 – Ideation and Foundation Building:

  1. Conducting comprehensive market analysis and research.
  2. Exploring the implementation of Account Abstraction.
  3. Defining the scope of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  4. Preparing a business plan and building our vision.
  5. Assembling a core team of talented individuals.

Q2 – MVP Phase I:

  1. Launching the MVP’s light version with a focus on mobile app development.
  2. TestingTokens and Smart Contracts on Testnet.
  3. Implementing social login and aggregation features.
  4. Integrating paymaster functionality and bundling transactions.
  5. Launching Website and releasing Whitepaper.

Q3 – MVP Phase I:

  1. Migrating Tokens and Smart Contracts to Mainnet.
  2. Creating Liquidity Pool on Decentralized Exchanges.
  3. Implementing a comprehensive marketing plan.
  4. Integrating multiple on/off ramps for enhanced accessibility.
  5. Preparing go-to-market and sales strategies.
  6. Publishing blogs and documentation to keep the community informed.

Q4 – MVP Phase I:

  1. Finalizing mobile UI/UX design.
  2. Auditing Smart Contracts.
  3. Tuning Pitch Deck and Business Plan.
  4. Conducting thorough testing for bugs and security flaws.
  5. Ensuring regulatory compliance with UAE jurisdictions.
  6. Launching Beta Version for early feedback.

2024 – Q1: A Glimpse into the Future:

  1. Kicking off Proof of Concept (PoC) Phase I.
  2. Collecting user feedback and data for continuous improvement.
  3. Enhancing security measures based on early feedback.
  4. Development of Pro Version of the mobile app with Swapping and Stacking features
  5. Hosting IDO Public Sale for broader community involvement.
  6. Integrating multiple EVM networks.
  7. Expanding support for more coins and tokens.

As Axir Wallet enters 2024, the stage is set for more innovation, success, and user-centric features. Stay tuned for a year of transformation and excellence with Axir Wallet!