Outline the major milestones achieved and future goals.
2023 - Q1​
Research- Ideation Phase​

Market Analysis & Research​

Explore Account Abstraction Implementation​

Define the scope of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)​

Business Plan Preparation and Building Vision​

Core Team Hiring​

Q2 - 2023​
MVP - Phase I​

Core Team Screening and Recruitment- Continue​

Launch MVP- Mobile App Development -Light Version​

Token & Smart Contracts Creation on Testnet​

Secure Vault Creation​

Smart Contract Wallet Integration​

Social Login and Aggregation​

Paymaster integration​

Bundling Transactions​

Website and White Paper​

2023 - Q3​
MVP - Phase I​

Migrating Token & Smart Contracts to Mainnet​

Marketing Plan​

Multiple on & off ramps Integration​

Go-to-Market and Sales Strategies​

Blog and Documentations

Q4 - 2023​
MVP - Phase I​

Mobile UI/UX finalization​

Crypto Wallet License Submission​

Auditing Smart Contracts​

Liquidity Creation​

Pitch Deck and Business Plan Tuning​

Perform Thorough Testing for Bugs and Security Flaws​

Regulatory compliance with UAE jurisdictions​

Launching Beta Version for early feedback​

KYC/AML Integration​

Billing on/off ramp integration​

2024 - Q1​
MVP - Phase I​

Collecting User Feedback for Product Improvement​

Enhancing Security Measures Based on Early Feedback​

Start Mobile App Development -Pro Version​

Finalise Tokenomics​

Token -Private / Public Sale​

Multiple EVM Network Integration​

Multiple Coins and Token Support​

Seed Fund Raising​

Complete MVP Development​

Q2 - 2024​
PoC -Phase II​

PoC Initiation

Core Team Screening and Recruitment- Continue

Launch MVP- Mobile App on Apple and Google Store

CEX and DEX Listing

Implement Staking Protocol

Implement  P2P Feature

More EVM Network Integration

More Coins and Token Support

      Launch AXIR Knowledge Center 

2024 - Q3​
PoC -Phase II​

Decentralized Autonomous Organization ( DAO) Pilot​

API /SDK dev for third parties developers / CORDES​

More Chain Integration​

Additional ERC-20 Coins and Token Support​

Develop and integrate support for hardware wallets​

Q4 - 2024
PoC -Phase II​

Class A- Fund Raising​

Native StableCoin Creation​

Revamp UI/UX based on user feedback ​

Perform Thorough Testing for Bugs and Security Flaws​

PoC Validation – Pro and Light Version Validation​

AI based Stacking Protocol dev​

Full product launch​

2025 - Q1​
Production -Phase III​

Regional Expansion – Regulatory Compliance With More GCC Jurisdictions

More Partnerships

Introduce Ads to The Wallet

Initiate Improvements Based on User Feedback

Improve Customer Service Operations

Launch AXIR Knowledge Center

Q2 - 2025​
Production Phase III​

Establishing Partnerships With More Exchanges and Financial Institutions.

Launch Self-Sovereign Decentralised Identity Solution.

Launch AXIR Institution (Pilot)

2025 - Q3
Production -Phase III​

Expand Marketing Efforts to Increase User Base​

Perform Thorough Testing for Bugs and Security Flaws​

Dev Internal Bundler​

DAO Related Governance Token Pilot​

Class B- Fund Raising​

2026 - Q1​
Expansion- Phase IV​

Expansion – EU / APAC Regions​

Regulatory Compliance in More Jurisdictions​

Implement CRM System ​

Operate Nodes on Ethereum and Polygon​

Q2 - 2026​
Production Phase -IV​

Enhance Security Measures to Handle Increased TX DAO and Governance Token Launch​

Launch AXIR Institution​