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AXIR Wallet offers several advantages over traditional crypto wallets:

  • Security: AXIR Wallet uses multiple sign-in methods and prioritizes security. It uses Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm to split your private key into multiple shares, adding an extra layer of security.

  • Ease of Use: AXIR Wallet has a user-friendly interface that's easy to navigate, making it suitable for both crypto newbies and savvies.

  • Optimized Fees: With AXIR Wallet, you can pay for gas fees in USDT (Stablecoin) or even perform gasless transactions. You can also batch multiple transactions into one to save on gas fees.

  • ERC20 Tokens: AXIR Wallet is launching its own ERC20 tokens, AXR tokens. Users are rewarded with 100 AXR tokens upon registration.

Yes, AXIR Wallet is secure. It uses a technology called Smart Accounts or Account Abstraction which is attached to a signing private key. This private key is broken down into multiple shares and user need 2 out of these n shares to access his account . The first share or login share is connected to the user login either through userName/password or through his existing social login like google , facebook , linkedin etc. The second share is a security pin which the user sets up while registering his account on the wallet. There is an optional third backup share that the user can create , save in a file and use in case the user has forgotten his pin. The user needs 2 out of these 3 shares (1 of which should be login share) to access his account. This setup protects user from breaches and allows for account recovery.

AXIR Wallet stands out from other wallets due to its unique features:

  • Smart Wallet: Each user account is a smart contract. This enables features such as eliminating ERC-20 approvals and optimizing gas fees by batching transactions.

  • Gasless Transactions: AXIR Wallet allows users to perform transactions without paying gas fees.

  • AXR Tokens: AXIR Wallet is launching its own ERC20 tokens, AXR tokens. Users are rewarded with 100 AXR tokens upon registration.

  • User-Friendly: AXIR Wallet is designed to be easy to use, making it suitable for a wide audience, including those new to crypto.

No, you do not. You can register with AXIR Wallet using your social media accounts or by filling out a simple registration form.

A counterfactual address is a smart contract address that is calculated from your private key but is not yet deployed on the blockchain. In AXIR Wallet , once a user registers , a private key is generated for the user , once user gets this private key, a counterfactual address is generated for him. This address can be used to receive assets like Polygon and ERC20 tokens, even though it's not yet deployed on the blockchain.

Gas fees are the costs of performing transactions on the blockchain. In AXIR Wallet, you can pay these fees in Matic or USDT stablecoin. AXIR Wallet also offers gasless transactions where the app sponsors the transaction fee for you. This means you can perform transactions without worrying about gas fees.

AXR tokens are our own ERC20 tokens. When you register on the AXIR Wallet app, you are rewarded with 100 AXR tokens. These tokens can be used within the AXIR Wallet ecosystem.

Transaction batching is a feature that allows you to group multiple transactions together. This can help reduce the transaction fees you need to pay. In AXIR Wallet, you can batch multiple transactions to save on gas fees.

Shamir's Secret Sharing is a cryptographic algorithm that allows a secret (like your private key) to be divided into parts. In AXIR Wallet, your private key is divided into three parts, and you only need two of them to recover your key if you lose it. This adds an extra layer of security to your wallet.

In AXIR Wallet, if you lose your security PIN, you can recover your account using the backup share provided it has been created and you have that share stored securely somewhere. Since AXIR Wallet uses Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm, you only need two out of the three shares to recover your private key and access your account.

Yes, in AXIR Wallet, you can pay the transaction fees in USDT stablecoin. This feature makes transactions more convenient and user-friendly.

The Polygon chain is a blockchain network that aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions than the Ethereum network. By building AXIR Wallet on the Polygon chain, we ensure that your transactions are processed quickly and at a lower cost.

Absolutely! AXIR Wallet is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for everyone, whether you're new to crypto or an experienced user. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help

ERC4337 is a standard for Ethereum smart contracts that allows for more efficient and secure transactions. AXIR Wallet is fully compliant with this standard, ensuring that your transactions are processed quickly and securely.

In AXIR Wallet, you can register and log in using your social media accounts like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This feature makes it easier and quicker for you to start using the wallet without having to remember another set of login credentials.

In AXIR Wallet, your private key is split into three shares for added security. The first share is linked to your social login, the second share is a security PIN that you set up during registration, and the third share is a backup share that you can download and use for account recovery. This setup ensures that even if one share is compromised, your account remains secure.

AXIR Wallet allows you to perform transactions without paying gas fees. The app uses stackup services which provide the erc4337 infrastructure to our app. This includes the paymaster functionality using which our app can sponsor gasless transactions to our app.

In AXIR Wallet, if you lose your security PIN, you can recover your account using the backup share that you downloaded during the registration process. Since AXIR Wallet uses Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm, you only need two out of the three shares to recover your private key and access your account.